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MicroLikes API Overview (Pre-Alpha)

This API is working as we we speak (Dec,24th 2023). We we are catching bugs as we progress. Stay tune…

This API is for web developers, empowering them to craft remarkable features for both forum users and administrators. This API facilitates seamless interactions by allowing users to show appreciation and support to one another through tipping for their valuable content. Whether you're looking to enhance user engagement or empower administrators with new tools, this API opens up a world of possibilities for creating an exceptional experience among forums.

You are welcome to develop on top of it with your unique ideas!

Register for an account and get your own API key.

End Point

Requests Limits

We currently don't have daily request limits.


Methods: POST and GET

The API will look first for POST, then GET

Example URL:[send_microlikes]=true&tip[to]=admin&tip[amount]=0.01&tip[message]=Hello world

All of the following parameters are required

Parameters Description
Key Your API key (found at your account's page)
requests[send_microlikes]=true This parameter indicates the type of your request
tip[to] Username or ID to whom you are sending MicroLikes
tip[amount] The amount of MicroLikes to be sent. From 0.01 up to 101 MicroLikes
tip[message] Max characters: 250. Message appears in the user's account transaction history.

Sample Response
The response will be Json data. Something like this:

{"success":true,"userMessage":[],"lang":"en-US","requests":{"send_microlikes":true},"data":{"success":true,"microlikes_sent":"0.01","from":"","to":"admin","message":"Hello World"}}

Contact Information

start.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/28 17:44 by microlikes

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